Skilled Counsel for Subrogation Claims Across Industries

Rathbone Group is a nationwide subrogation law firm advocating for an insurers’ right to recover losses under  the subrogation theory. We serve a wide variety of clients who require highly-skilled subrogation case management that maximizes recovery while minimizing the cost of pursuit. 

Subrogation is a niche area of insurance law, and often subrogation cases are tricky to properly manage. To successfully navigate the subrogation process and recover damages, specialized knowledge of federal and state laws and regulations is key.

Rathbone Group is comprised of experienced subrogation attorneys licensed in over 30 US states. We also have a network of attorneys that cover the remainder of the US, Canada and the US territories. This puts us in a unique position to help insurance clients of all kinds with subrogation claims in any location. We can also accommodate clients who may need subrogation services in Spanish, whether it’s the insurer or the adverse party.

A Law Firm with Location-Specific Subrogation Knowledge & Skill

Rathbone Group provides each client a recovery and litigation team that understands the specific subrogation laws of each state or territory. While some jurisdictions make achieving subrogation recovery more difficult for insurance entities than others, RG attorneys adept in the subrogation and insurance laws of the specific state where the claim is brought can help clients navigate even the most difficult cases. 

Hallmarks of Rathbone Group’s legal services include second-look subrogation, in-depth case investigations and cost-effective services. As an advocate for the right of subrogation, we also offer professionals in the insurance dispute field educational resources on subrogation law via videos and podcasts.

Well-versed in an array of different types of subrogation law, clients look to Rathbone Group to maximize recovery in difficult cases through our sophisticated litigation management. Maximizing subrogation recovery doesn’t always require litigation, so with each case we look for opportunities to achieve less expensive, alternate routes of subrogation recovery, like pre-suit claims resolution, including mediation and arbitration. 

RG is also adept at utilizing Arbitration Forums to successfully apply, negotiate and resolve subrogation claims outside the courtroom. With our open communication style and our cost-conscious methodologies, our subrogation attorneys do everything they can to get our clients the best possible results in each subrogation case.

Tireless Advocacy for Insurance Recovery Claims: Who We Represent

Rathbone Group serves a wide variety of clients with top-tier subrogation services via teams of claims adjusters, specialists and attorneys. Some types of organizations we represent include:

  • Captive Law Firms
    • Outsourcing subrogation issue claims to Rathbone Group allows your captive law firm to focus on your insurance company’s defense work while we recover subrogation claims for you. Let us maximize your recovery while you focus on your core business.
  • Captive Owners
    • Our cost-conscious methods of operation means less stress on your budget and more control of how your subrogation case proceeds, with or without litigation.
  • Government Risk Pools
    • Rathbone Group’s subrogation services help risk pools to manage and minimize risks during their pursuit of recovery. In the process, we do our best to help educate parties on what subrogation entails.
  • Insurance Companies
    • Our broad coverage across the country, Canada and the US territories, as well as our extensive experience in the subrogation process and our cost-conscious methodologies allow you to focus on your insured while we pursue recovery, helping you to keep your customers happy.
  • Insurtech Companies
    • Rathbone Group is tech-savvy, placing us in the perfect position to help insurtech companies recover losses, whether through subrogation recovery or litigation.
  • Rental Car Companies
    • Our team of subrogation attorneys with diverse experience across the country means nationwide rental car companies can come to us for subrogation time and time again, for subrogation cases wherever the need arises.
  • Self-Insured Companies
    • Our comprehensive investigation services help self-insured companies to greatly mitigate loss by maximizing recovery and keeping costs contained.
  • Third-Party Administrators
    • Rathbone Group can help to increase your recovery rates and decrease the time to recovery in a cost conscious manner. We understand the intricacies of subrogation litigation management for TPA’s, and have the resources to help navigate even the most complex subrogation lawsuits.
  • Trucking Companies
    • Trucking subrogation recovery requires involved analysis of both state and federal laws. With our unique array of experience, and attorneys in all US states, territories and Canada, we can serve as a vital subrogation resource to trucking companies needing subrogation recovery to recoup damages.

Our subrogation attorneys also provide quality case management services for subrogation claims involving utilities, fire and property damage. Our investigations are efficient and thorough, allowing us to identify potential tort liability by utilities companies in property damage due to underground damage, overhead damage, or fire. 

Combined with our comprehensive subrogation services and knowledge of individual jurisdictions, RG helps clients maximize recovery and minimize costs in complicated subrogation  cases of all kinds. Don’t waive your right to subrogation if you’re unsure of a claim’s potential – a second look at the case may reveal a path to recovery.

Learn more about Rathbone Group’s areas of practice.